The Bear Movie

This post is still hidden from my main page, but I will put up something public soon…

I’m stop-motion animating a 7 minute LEGO film for a Bear conservations group. They plan to use the film in curriculum packages that teachers can pick up, and to get the attention of a wider young audience, and even audiences of all ages.
Scene 1 shows the destruction of natural habitats.
The hope is that the film will help promote the common messages around being “Bear Smart” and “Bear Aware” because the kids of today could  be impacting bears for the rest of their long lives.
One of the last steps is to find a person to voice the narration. If you think you might be right for the task, I’d love to hear from you.
This short film will likely have minimal credits to keep the focus on the messages. There is no fame and glory here, just a change to share your voice and have a positive impact on Bears living close to humans in Southern BC (and maybe beyond).
Here is a short sample from Scene 1

If you would like to get involved, please email me:

The film will hopefully be delivered in the next week or two to for their projects and distribution.

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