Prices have been updated as of Jun 2023.
In addition to the party price, there is a travel fee, the amount of which depends on your location.
Basic Party
Standard Party Package $200 ($220 for StarWars)
One hour of play time for up to 10 children including:
-Building area with lots of bricks
-An electric train for children to conduct
-Themed play area of your choice
-My involvement as a building and play supporter (but not as a general supervisor)
Big Party Pack $260 ($280 for StarWars)
1.5 hours play time with all the standard stuff and:
-Up to 15 kids
-1 LEGO theme and 1 theme expansion
Common Additions to a Party
Additional children, $12 per child.
Extended play time, $30 per 30 minutes (cost can be relatively higher for more than 10 children).
Additional Theme $30 for full additional theme ($50 for StarWars).
Theme Expansions $20
All prices are subject to change. Your price is set at the time that you make your booking. In addition to this basic pricing structure, there is always room to create something different to fit your specific interest.
Travel Fee
To calculate the fee, use a map/direction service to measure the distance between Hastings St. & Nanaimo St., where I depart, and your home in km, multiplied by 2 (for the return trip).
The Fee is $1 per km. For example, the distance from Hastings St. & Nanaimo St. to Lynn Valley Centre is 8.5 km, so that the Travel Fee would be $17.
I am working on finding cheaper, gas-free ways to transport LEGO for parties, in order to save more precious black gold for making LEGO. Unfortunately, a LEGO party is too heavy for my bike trailer and I don’t have a better option so far.
Possible extra charges:
1. A ‘load in’ fee may apply if there is more than 100 feet of
distance or 15 feet of height between parking and the party space.
2. If the party is booked at a large rental space, please be prepared to cover $10-50 in damage , as this kind of setting will change the dynamic and cause lost LEGO pieces.