
Birthday Party Entertainment with LEGO® Bricks in the Vancouver Area


Themes | Pricing | Set-up | Planning | Booking

A Builders’ Party is LEGO® themed entertainment for children who love to play with the world’s greatest toy. I provide LEGO® trains, buildings, cars, figures, and more. Imagine a world of LEGO® pieces taken to your very own living room. Children are free to play with the pre-constructed items or build creations from loose pieces. A party can take almost any shape, as there is infinite room for customization. Children have my support as a building expert (but not as a general supervisor), and I can set up building challenges, help building structures, or play along with the kids’ ideas. The important thing is that everyone is having fun. Builders’ parties are ideal for children approximately 5 to 10 years old.

How and Why Parties Work

What I do is both simple and complicated. The simple part is that every 7 year old wishes that they had more LEGO, so they could create the game, the world or the scenario that they have in their minds. When I was 7, I always wished I had 20 space men, not just 4. With 20, I could have built that really big space station I was imagining. By putting a lot of LEGO in front of kids, I open that door. The complicated part is the preparation.  I spend countless hours building structures at home that will be functional, impressive, and fun to play with. For example, the LEGO apartment building, which I bring to City theme parties, is filled with little rooms, each furnished and very “playable”. The airport has a metal detector, baggage scanners, loading gates and things that make it realistic and “playable”. On the whole, the town is rather simple and doesn’t have every building;  in this way it invites kids to build new things if they think something is missing in the City.

During a party, I will float around the room helping kids build or fix things. I try to keep the floor somewhat clear so that LEGO isn’t stepped on (ya right), and just back off a bit once the kids click into their world. If there is a child who seems left out, I might try to get them going on something, and if there are eager builders looking to be challenged, I might play a game with them, or talk about building techniques.

To learn more about planning a party and get some planning tips, visit the Planning Page.

To learn about the different Themes I provide the Themes Page. Builders’ Parties are great for both boys and girls, though some themes do not work well for girls (like StarWars).

Please make sure you visit the Set-Up Page, to find out about what makes for a great physical space, and what I will need in the space.

You can find detailed Pricing information on the Pricing Page, and booking info on the Booking Page.

I am based in Vancouver, BC.

Unique creations with LEGO® brand bricks

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group. The LEGO Group does not sponsor, endorse or authorize this website or these display of LEGO elements.