Category Archives: Events

News and updates about LEGO events

Building the Exhibit at the New West Museum

The entire team at the VLC (Vancouver Adult LEGO® Club) has been working tirelessly to build a transportation exhibit for the Museum of New Westminster., called People Gotta Move.

Every giant LEGO display starts with a good foundation. Why cheat and use plywood you might ask? Well, in order to set up all the cars and mini figures, we had to be able to walk down the streets during set.



And here is the same wooden table with a few layers of LEGO added.


I totally recommend checking this exhibit out. The Museum is 2 walking minutes away from the New West Skytrain Station; and entry is by donation.

Corporate Logo

I have only build a few corporate logos, and this one was not the most interesting build, but they did have me do a giant LEGO play area for 40 kids at a big staff/family event. And they kept the logo at the end, of course. The funny part is, years later I was asking a layer friend about finding a lawyer for a project and he recommended his sister, who is always a lawyer. And sure enough, I walked into her firm and there was my brick-built logo. Small world.

BrickCan Year 3 is just around the corner!

The third annual BrickCan LEGO Convention in Vancouver (Richmond) is coming up soon, on April 21st and 22nd! In the first two years, public tickets sold out for most viewing times/weeks in advance, so you might want to get your tickets soon. BrickCan features hundreds of amazing original LEGO creations, vendors with all kinds of parts, both used and new, and a large play area to build in.